Mobile technology and smart devices are very much in trend now and so is their use by the common man, due to which mobile testing has emerged as one of the latest challenges for the QA people.
In many ways, mobile testing is more challenging than testing based on desktop. Mobile application has to be tested in smaller screen sizes and resolutions which can be quite tedious to the testers.
Today Android and IOS are the most commonly used mobile platforms. Along with these two, Windows mobile platform is also used to a good extent. So most of the good companies tries to develop the kind of application which can be easily supported in Android, IOS and Windows platforms.
It is really challenging to verify the applications across different screensizes, operating system and device browsers. Therefore, the testing team need to find better, time efficient and cost effective testing methodologies without any compromise on quality.
Types of Mobile Testing :
Mobile testing can be broadly classified in to two categories :
1. Hardware Testing : The testing process which involves the testing of mobile hardware including the internal processors, internal hardware, screen sizes, resolution, space or memory, camera, radio, Bluetooth, WIFI etc. 2. Software or Application Testing : The testing of the functionality and the whole application that work on mobile devices is known as Mobile Application Testing or Mobile Software Testing.
Also there are different types of mobile applications that are important to understand :
1. Native apps : A native application is created for use on a platform like mobile and tablets. They have single platform affinity, installation is required, can be installed, updated from play store or app store, may or may not require internet connection, works faster than the web apps. 2. Mobile web apps : Server side apps to access website on different browsers in mobile devices connecting to a wireless network WIFI or a mobile network. Mobile web apps have centralized updates. 3. Hybrid apps : Combination of native apps and web apps.
Mobile device screen size is much smaller than desktop, so testing is more tedious in mobiles as compared to desktop.
Different ranges of mobile devices with different screen sizes.
Usability Testing : To make sure that the mobile app is easy to use and is user friendly. Compatibility Testing : Testing of the application in different mobile devices, browsers, screen sizes and OS versions according to the requirements. Functionality Testing : Testing of all the available functionality of the application including the menu options, buttons, bookmarks, history, settings and navigation flow of the application. Services Testing : Testing the services of the application online and offline. Performance Testing : Testing the performance of the application by changing the connection from 2G, 3G to WIFI. Installation and up gradation Tests : Validation of the install, uninstall, and upgradation process of the application.Security Testing : Checking that the application is able to protect the information system.
Test cases for testing a mobile app :
In addition to functionality based test cases, Mobile application testing requires special test cases which should cover following scenarios.
Installation, Uninstallation and Up gradation of the app.
Designing the right test strategy, the right test cases, choosing the right devices, the right mobile testing tools can assure 100% of test coverage and help us to consider widely the security, usability, performance, functionality and stability of the application.
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