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In IT Industry the use of different technologies and applications is a reality. At a time when resources are scarce, IT shops cannot just throw away their existing applications; rather,…..
Erstellt von Anuraj am 15. Apr. 2013
Death is an un-easy fact for all of us. But making plans for what happens after you’re gone is really important for the people you leave behind. If you have…..
Erstellt von Anuraj am 18. Mrz. 2013
2012 was the year all testers „had to learn to write a little bit of code,“ said Johanna Rothman, of Rothman Consulting Group, in Mass. That resulted in two things:…..
Erstellt von Sebin Joseph am 12. Mrz. 2013
What is a CMS? In web terminology, CMS stands for “Content Management System,” and describes a method of managing content, workflow, and collaboration online. Web CMS’ are designed to simplify…..
Erstellt von Asha am 14. Nov. 2011
PIT Solutions has developed an online examination management tool -Virtual X. This tool has been developed in Ruby on Rails (ROR) platform. This software is in both English and German…..
Erstellt von Praveen V. Nair am 28. Sep. 2011
HTML5 is the next version of HTML (as of September, 2011 it is still under development) which is for structuring and presenting content – just like in previous HTML standard…..
Erstellt von Asha am 21. Jul. 2011
Web testing is the kind of software testing focusing on web applications. Such testing will help to identify errors/bugs before the website is live/visible to public. Today there are many…..