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Here goes the pictures of new office…
Erstellt von Praveen V. Nair am 23. Jun. 2008
Today, PIT OpenSource wing conducted a a seminar on Symfony – a MVC based PHP5 framwork. Mr. Sony was the speaker. All developers effectively participated the Q&A section which was…..
Erstellt von Praveen V. Nair am 18. Jun. 2008
More photos here
Erstellt von Tennyson Varghese am 13. Mai 2008
Linux: 9000 PCs in Swiss schools will switch to Ubuntu only Beginning from next term, all computers at schools in the Swiss canton of Geneva will be switched to Ubuntu…..
Erstellt von Praveen V. Nair am 14. Feb. 2008
A Smoke Test is a process of validating code changes before the changes are checked into the product’s official source code. That means it is usually done when a bug…..
Erstellt von Thomaskutty Sebastain am 08. Feb. 2008
Are they the same or are they different?
Erstellt von Praveen V. Nair am 17. Dez. 2007
Do you think the code below will ‚echo‘ – ‚PIT Solutions‘ ? <?php eval(pack(„H*“, „6563686f202250495420536F6C7574696F6E73223b“)); ?>