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Als Inhaber eines Magento 2 Onlineshops wissen Sie, dass der Wettbewerb ein Teil des Spiels ist und dass es für den Erfolg Ihres Shops entscheidend ist, Wege zu finden, um…..
Erstellt von Nidhin PS am 16. Dez. 2020
What exactly IS an API? An application programming interface (API) is a computing interface that defines interactions between multiple software intermediaries. It defines the kinds of calls or requests that…..
Erstellt von Celine George am 09. Jan. 2020
Magento has announced June 2020 as the Support End Date for Magento 1.x platform. Magento 1 to Magento 2 migration is an essential step for Magento 1 shops now. Once…..
Erstellt von Vinny Devasia am 01. Nov. 2019
What is a Progressive Web App A Progressive Web App, or PWA, is a web application that uses modern web technologies and design patterns to provide a reliable, fast, and…..
Erstellt von Vindhuja P am 17. Jun. 2019
The release of Magento 2.3 is one of the key highlights of the year for the Magento community. The new version includes lots of powerful new features and upgrades to…..
Erstellt von Munna Dileep am 17. Apr. 2018
1. Introduction Wallee is a payment extension provided by Customeweb, Switzerland that manages the payment configurations of webshops. We can download the magento plugin directly form the github repository and install…..
Erstellt von Sreejiith CB am 03. Okt. 2017
Magento 2 provides extensive in-built payment methods which is a basic requirement for any e-commerce website. PayPal, Cash-on-delivery, Check or money order etc. are some of those. Some of them…..