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App Clips für IOS Auf der offiziellen Website wird es wie folgt beschrieben: “Ein App Clip ist ein kleiner Teil einer App, mit dem du eine bestimmte Aufgabe schnell erledigen…..
Erstellt von Hoja M A am 06. Dez. 2016
Hey Guys, This is my first technical blog entry. I just want to share some ideas about some awesome plugins with you. Now a days JavaScript Libraries are an inevitable…..
Erstellt von Anuraj am 31. Jul. 2013
The Dell Inc. (formerly Dell Computer), one of the leading American multinational computer technology corporation based in Round Rock, Texas, United States, that develops, sells, repairs and supports computers and…..
Erstellt von merly am 26. Mrz. 2013
The war between mobile operating systems(MOS) started with the advent of smart phones and other mobile devices and shows no signs of ending anytime soon.We have had MOSs going head-to-head…..
Erstellt von binukumar am 10. Apr. 2012
The need of IPAD & IPhone applications has been increased considerably in the last one year or two. If we need an app for IPad, we have now many options like, to…..