Unser Blog versorgt Sie regelmässig mit aktuellen und spannenden Artikeln zu den unterschiedlichsten Themen aus der Online-Welt. Bleiben Sie mit uns immer auf dem Laufenden.
Die Brücke zwischen Schwiizerdütsch und Malayalam IT-Offshoring wird für viele Firmen wegen Kosten- und Kapazitätsfragen immer häufiger zum Thema. Viele wagen diesen Schritt, andere wiederum sind teilweise zu Recht verunsichert……
Erstellt von Nidhin Aravind am 06. Aug. 2015
Fifteen years – It was a delightful journey with many ups and downs like it is for any business. But it was always the positive attitude of employees and belief…..
Erstellt von Azeef am 03. Nov. 2014
T3CON14 at Berlin was amazing and special this year, after 10 years of the first TYPO3 conference the popularity and success gained by this fantastic product around Europe is outstanding……
Erstellt von Thara Nair am 08. Aug. 2014
Yesterday (August 7, 2014), I attended a seminar on “Trends and Transformations in Quality Assurance”, which was held at Travancore Hall inside Techno park campus. I would like to share…..
Erstellt von Suvin V am 17. Jul. 2014
On October 22, 2008 a smartphone named HTC Dream with a new OS got introduced into the commercial market. It turned out to be a revolution and the OS went…..
Erstellt von Anuraj am 16. Jul. 2014
It’s a very painful occasion when our heart bleeds. Does it occurs only to Humans. Millions of websites are already facing the prospect of data leak because of Heartbleed, if…..
Erstellt von Praveen V. Nair am 29. Okt. 2012
The next generation of Microsoft’s Windows is out. As usual like for their previous operating systems, this version was also in news and technology community forums and blogs for some…..