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This screensaver is developed by PITS Development team by using the power of WPF (Windows Presentation Foundation). It is programmed with C# under Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5. You can download…..
Erstellt von Praveen V. Nair am 10. Feb. 2009
Feel free to check our website with new face – http://www.pitsolutions.com/ or http://www.pitsolutions.ch/
Erstellt von Praveen V. Nair am 06. Feb. 2009
New enhanced official website of PIT Solutions will be launched soon. Backbone of new website is Typo3 CMS (Content Management System) which is one of the our major technology area……
Erstellt von Praveen V. Nair am 23. Okt. 2008
Today we opened our new 4000 sq. ft. office at Thejaswini. Now we have two offices at Thejaswini building and a total of three offices in whole Technopark Campus.
Erstellt von Praveen V. Nair am 23. Jun. 2008
Celebrating 8th Birthday on 22 June 2008.
Erstellt von Praveen V. Nair am 13. Mai 2008
Tejaswini – this is the largest building in Kerala – which is situated inside the largest IT park in Asia. More details follows.
Erstellt von Thomaskutty Sebastain am 01. Feb. 2008
Thanks to our unique educational system, our graduates do better than their counterparts in the developed world in education and academics-related real projects. There could be several favorable aspects that…..