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.NET Framework 3.5 Beta 2 is available. Stable release 3.0 is already available free which can be downloaded from here
Erstellt von Thomaskutty Sebastain am 14. Nov. 2007
The PHP development team announced availability of PHP 5.2.5. Check http://www.php.net for more details. You can download latest version of PHP from http://www.php.net/downloads.php PHP 4 stable version is 4.4.7. (development…..
22nd June 2007 – It was PIT Solutions‘ 7th anniversary. We celebrated it at our main office. Here goes the ‚birthday cake‘ 😉
Erstellt von Thomaskutty Sebastain am 06. Nov. 2007
We are happy to introduce our new Weblog – PIT Blog!. We will be posting technical information (product reviews), articles, events etc. Bookmark this blog now itself!