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What is a Progressive Web App A Progressive Web App, or PWA, is a web application that uses modern web technologies and design patterns to provide a reliable, fast, and…..
Erstellt von Soumia George am 15. Okt. 2019
Wir freuen uns, den Onlinegang unseres neuen Webshops www.webshopextension.com ankündigen zu können, in dem unsere Kunden von PIT Solutions entwickelte Erweiterungen kaufen können. Derzeit zeigt der Shop Extension die für…..
Erstellt von Tintu Mathew am 21. Jun. 2019
Snowbabel provides an easy and modern way for Extension translation. Snowflake productions GmbH was the pioneers of this extension and handed over this to PIT Solutions Pvt Ltd in 2016…..
Erstellt von Vindhuja P am 17. Jun. 2019
The release of Magento 2.3 is one of the key highlights of the year for the Magento community. The new version includes lots of powerful new features and upgrades to…..
Erstellt von Abin George am 07. Jun. 2019
Introduction RabbitMQ is a message-queuing software called a message broker or queue manager. It is a software where queues can be defined, applications may connect to the queue and transfer…..
Erstellt von Nimmy Alice am 17. Mai 2019
Introduction Elasticsearch is a search engine based on Lucene, which is a free and open source information retrieval software library. It provides a distributed, multi tenant capable, full text search…..
Erstellt von Thanseem Nazar am 30. Apr. 2019
INTRODUCTION When you implement a system that manages business processes, Workflows are an important part. There are various tools like Workflow Engine, K2, Camunda etc. for automating the processes. While…..
Erstellt von Mini M Thomas am 26. Apr. 2019
Invention of different gadgets has made our life easier and internet makes the world seem so smaller. Now, everything is available within our reach. But still there are some situations,…..
Erstellt von Tintu Mathew am 28. Mrz. 2019
What does it do? PITS Download Center extension is a great tool that will allow you to search and filter media assets from large number of files based on categories…..
Erstellt von Sooraj L V am 04. Mrz. 2019
Introduction In general, there is a misconception that testing your application is more important than running a code review at every stage of development. This is not true in my…..