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Azure Redis Cache is based on the popular open-source Redis cache. It gives you access to a secure, dedicated Redis cache, managed by Microsoft and accessible from any application within…..
Erstellt von Divya Muralidharan am 11. Nov. 2016
The new platform in Magento 2 offers enhanced performance and scalability which increases its demand in business and acceptability among partners and developers .It also improves sales and productivity by…..
Erstellt von Vishnu Jayan am 10. Nov. 2016
Regular expression is very useful for validating emails,phone numbers based on countries, postal-zip codes etc, searching a string, file name and more. Even its useful,writing a new regular expression is…..
Erstellt von Siju Raju am 09. Nov. 2016
The system extension Indexed Search is the engine which actually indexes content and provides a frontend plugin to let you search for content and show the results. The index search…..
Erstellt von Thara Nair am 06. Sep. 2016
Organizations rely on their software testing division to help build and deliver reliable, high quality product. Effective test management is needed to achieve the organization’s goal of delivering high quality products…..
Erstellt von Darshini Darwin am 22. Aug. 2016
Business Process Management (BPM) is the art and science of monitoring how work is performed in an organization to ensure consistent outcomes and to take advantage of improvement opportunities. BPM…..
Erstellt von Francis Varghese am 08. Jul. 2016
Developing modern web-based applications can be complicated. Different projects have their own requirements and dependencies, which are often incompatible with one another. A legacy project might require a specific version…..
Erstellt von Asha A am 04. Jul. 2016
WordPress, is one of the best, most, popular and widely used CMS technology in creating websites. It has grown to be the largest self-hosted blogging tool in the world, used…..
Erstellt von Francis Varghese am 01. Jul. 2016
Das heute weltweit mit Abstand am häufigsten verwendete moderne Versionskontrollsystem ist Git. Mit seiner verteilten Architektur ist Git ein Beispiel für ein DVCS (Distributed Version Control System). Anstatt nur einen…..
Erstellt von Kevin Joe Sam am 24. Jun. 2016
‚Signals and Slots‘ is a technique which allows easy implementation of the Observer Pattern. This pattern is mainly used to handle Event Management. Observer pattern in general has an Observer…..