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What is a Progressive Web App A Progressive Web App, or PWA, is a web application that uses modern web technologies and design patterns to provide a reliable, fast, and…..
Erstellt von Vindhuja P am 17. Jun. 2019
The release of Magento 2.3 is one of the key highlights of the year for the Magento community. The new version includes lots of powerful new features and upgrades to…..
Erstellt von Sooraj L V am 04. Mrz. 2019
Introduction In general, there is a misconception that testing your application is more important than running a code review at every stage of development. This is not true in my…..
Erstellt von Hoja M A am 06. Dez. 2016
Hey Guys, This is my first technical blog entry. I just want to share some ideas about some awesome plugins with you. Now a days JavaScript Libraries are an inevitable…..
Erstellt von Vishnu Jayan am 10. Nov. 2016
Regular expression is very useful for validating emails,phone numbers based on countries, postal-zip codes etc, searching a string, file name and more. Even its useful,writing a new regular expression is…..
Erstellt von Francis Varghese am 24. Jun. 2016
Traditionally in MySQL, we execute queries sequentially i.e. queries will be executed one after other only. So if we are executing multiple queries then each query will be blocked until…..
Erstellt von merly am 16. Apr. 2013
In most of our web applications, developers provide upload file functionality such as image upload, for example. This functionality could be exploited by attackers to upload malicious “Web shell” code,…..