Version Control – How to migrate to Git from SVN

Erstellt von Sebin Joseph am 29. Okt. 2014
About Version Control

What is “version control”, and why should you care? Version control is a system that records changes to a file or set of files over time so that you can recall specific versions later. For the examples in this book you will use software source code as the files being version controlled, though in reality you can do this with nearly any type of file on a computer.

If you are a graphic or web designer and want to keep every version of an image or layout (which you would most certainly want to), a Version Control System (VCS) is a very wise thing to use. It allows you to revert files back to a previous state, revert the entire project back to a previous state, compare changes over time, see who last modified something that might be causing a problem, who introduced an issue and when, and more. Using a VCS also generally means that if you screw things up or lose files, you can easily recover. In addition, you get all this for very little overhead.

A Short History of Git

As with many great things in life, Git began with a bit of creative destruction and fiery controversy.

The Linux kernel is an open source software project of fairly large scope. For most of the lifetime of the Linux kernel maintenance (1991–2002), changes to the software were passed around as patches and archived files. In 2002, the Linux kernel project began using a proprietary DVCS called BitKeeper.

In 2005, the relationship between the community that developed the Linux kernel and the commercial company that developed BitKeeper broke down, and the tool’s free-of-charge status was revoked. This prompted the Linux development community (and in particular Linus Torvalds, the creator of Linux) to develop their own tool based on some of the lessons they learned while using BitKeeper. Some of the goals of the new system were as follows:

  • Speed
  • Simple design
  • Strong support for non-linear development (thousands of parallel branches)
  • Fully distributed
  • Able to handle large projects like the Linux kernel efficiently (speed and data size)

Since its birth in 2005, Git has evolved and matured to be easy to use and yet retain these initial qualities. It’s incredibly fast, it’s very efficient with large projects, and it has an incredible branching system for non-linear development.

Git Basics

So, what is Git in a nutshell? This is an important section to absorb, because if you understand what Git is and the fundamentals of how it works, then using Git effectively will probably be much easier for you. As you learn Git, try to clear your mind of the things you may know about other VCSs, such as Subversion and Perforce; doing so will help you avoid subtle confusion when using the tool. Git stores and thinks about information much differently than these other systems, even though the user interface is fairly similar, and understanding those differences will help prevent you from becoming confused while using it.

Snapshots, Not Differences

The major difference between Git and any other VCS (Subversion and friends included) is the way Git thinks about its data. Conceptually, most other systems store information as a list of file-based changes. These systems (CVS, Subversion, Perforce, Bazaar, and so on) think of the information they keep as a set of files and the changes made to each file over time.

Git doesn’t think of or store its data this way. Instead, Git thinks of its data more like a set of snapshots of a miniature filesystem. Every time you commit, or save the state of your project in Git, it basically takes a picture of what all your files look like at that moment and stores a reference to that snapshot. To be efficient, if files have not changed, Git doesn’t store the file again, just a link to the previous identical file it has already stored. Git thinks about its data more like a stream of snapshots.

This is an important distinction between Git and nearly all other VCSs. It makes Git reconsider almost every aspect of version control that most other systems copied from the previous generation. This makes Git more like a mini filesystem with some incredibly powerful tools built on top of it, rather than simply a VCS.

Migrate to Git from SVN

We’ve broken down the SVN-to-Git migration process into 5 simple steps:

  1. Prepare your environment for the migration.
  2. Convert the SVN repository to a local Git repository.
  3. Synchronize the local Git repository when the SVN repository changes.
  4. Share the Git repository with your developers via Bitbucket.
  5. Migrate your development efforts from SVN to Git.

The prepare, convert, and synchronize steps take a SVN commit history and turn it into a Git repository. The best way to manage these first 3 steps is to designate one of your team members as the migration lead. All 3 of these steps should be performed on the migration lead’s local computer.

After the synchronize phase, the migration lead should have no trouble keeping a local Git repository up-to-date with an SVN counterpart. To share the Git repository, the migration lead can share his local Git repository with other developers by pushing it to Bitbucket, a Git hosting service.

Once it’s on Bitbucket, other developers can clone the converted Git repository to their local machines, explore its history with Git commands, and begin integrating it into their build processes. However, we advocate a one-way synchronization from SVN to Git until your team is ready to switch to a pure Git workflow. This means that everybody should treat their Git repository as read-only and continue committing to the original SVN repository. The only changes to the Git repository should happen when the migration lead synchronizes it and pushes the updates to Bitbucket.

This provides a clear-cut transition period where your team can get comfortable with Git without interrupting your existing SVN-based workflow. Once you’re confident that your developers are ready to make the switch, the final step in the migration process is to freeze your SVN repository and begin committing with Git instead.

This switch should be a very natural process, as the entire Git workflow is already in place and your developers have had all the time they need to get comfortable with it. By this point, you have successfully migrated your project from SVN to Git.

If you want to be a migration lead, you can go through,


You should have a basic understanding of what Git is and how it’s different from the centralized version control system you may have previously been using. You should also now have a working version of Git on your system that’s set up with your personal identity.


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