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By far, the most widely used modern version control system in the world today is Git. Having a distributed architecture, Git is an example of a DVCS (Distributed Version Control…..
By Kevin Joe Sam on June 24, 2016
‘Signals and Slots’ is a technique which allows easy implementation of the Observer Pattern. This pattern is mainly used to handle Event Management. Observer pattern in general has an Observer…..
By Francis Varghese on June 24, 2016
Traditionally in MySQL, we execute queries sequentially i.e. queries will be executed one after other only. So if we are executing multiple queries then each query will be blocked until…..
By Priya P on June 3, 2016
One of the useful features in Magento is the ability to create multiple stores and domains that shares the same magento installation. This allows you to manage any number of…..
By Thomaskutty Sebastian on March 3, 2016
We are very proud to announce that we are shortlisted for Best of Swiss Awards. Check out, http://www.bestofswissweb.ch/de/hall-of-fame/shortlist/2016/ Thanks for our client/partner, Frontiers first of all to have the trust…..
By Arya Jayachandran on February 18, 2016
What is Business Process Re-engineering? Business Process Re-engineering (BPR) involves rethinking and adapting business processes to achieve higher productivity and increase competitiveness. Why BPR? With the advent of new technologies,…..
By Thomaskutty Sebastian on December 23, 2015
Meet NEOS was an exciting event held in Zürich on 30th November 2015. PIT Solutions was represented by Thomaskutty Sebastian and Gabriele Lorini. The idea of the event was to…..
By Zacharia S Purackal on December 16, 2015
Magento is an E-commerce platform that allows rapid implementation of online stores and which comes with number of tools for a better online store management. However the quality of implementation…..
By Tony Davis on November 12, 2015
Crowdsource testing is a breakthrough in the field software testing. It can be considered as the next level of testing. In this testing technique the application under test is made…..
By Soumia George on October 27, 2015
Magento community has received reports that some Magento sites are being targeted by Guruincsite malware (Neutrino exploit kit). The malware can take advantage of situations where an administrative account has…..