This is indeed a nice topic to discuss. 2013 will be the year that responsive design takes off. Google has come out and said “We prefer sites that are built with responsive web design.” ( ) Mobile revolution is happening at an extraordinary speed. According to Mashable, they expect that mobile visitors will comprise more than 50% of their site’s total traffic by the conclusion of 2013. New kind of desktop and mobile devices are being introduced in the market. Each device will vary in screen size and other proportions. The reason why responsive web designing is expected to be in trends of 2013 is that designers cannot design a new design for individual website. It will not only take a lot of your time but will also cost you a fortune. Responsive web design will eliminate all of these problems because of its ability to respond to the size of the device being used. Designers will not have to make a new layout for different devices, say it’s mobile or desktop. A single design will work perfectly on all devices. This will make things much more convenient for all the designers.
Thanks. But sorry, I meant – what are the testing aspects and things to consider, or in other words – how will you test RWD based websites?