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Do you know Epson, CISCO WebEx, Ford, Unicef, Air France Corporate, UNESCO, Mercedes Benz, Blender, GE, Sanyo, Audi, Philips, Lufthansa, Metro, La Poste, Volkswagen, Swiss World etc. uses Typo3?…..
By Praveen V. Nair on May 26, 2009
Typo3 has become one of the powerful Content Management Systems now. But if you search the Internet you will get the impression that India is still a few steps behind…..
By Praveen V. Nair on May 15, 2009
This piece of text is virtually from an outsider’s perspective. Most of my current development activities are on .NET now a days but I know the programming and customization of…..
By Praveen V. Nair on May 11, 2009
When a person decides to learn a programming language, the questions that usually arise are, “Which is the best programming language?” or “Which language should I learn?” Some people suggest…..
By Praveen V. Nair on May 4, 2009
Here is a quick fix for old websites which have compatibility issues with Internet Explorer version 8. But as a good practice, I recommend you to fix the issues so…..
By Praveen V. Nair on April 30, 2009
Agile Software Development is said to be the methodology of today. The modern definition came up around 1990. It is pretty much commonplace but still I would like to say…..
By Praveen V. Nair on June 23, 2008
Today, PIT OpenSource wing conducted a a seminar on Symfony – a MVC based PHP5 framwork. Mr. Sony was the speaker. All developers effectively participated the Q&A section which was…..