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Dorfblitz is a blog site for a monthly news magazine with a circulation of 10.000 issues each month. They will publish articles on current news as well as image galleries and videos from local events like sports (soccer, hockey, etc.), parties, etc. The site also contains some banner ads. It is developed using WP bakery page builder. In addition to the blog, contact forms and newsletters are also integrated into the website.

The news has different categories Brütten. Nührensdorf and Bassersdorf, sports and region. Filters are available for this news based on these categories. There is also an image/video gallery available which is also managed by categories.

Customer Dorfblitz
Industry News magazine
Technology Technology/Tools,PHP 7.4.21,WordPress 5.8.4, WPBakery Page Builder,HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, JQuery ,GIT
Data Storage MySQL