
Guetnacht is an iphone app developed in Ionic platform. Ionic platform is a framework used for developing hybrid applications (iPhone, Android & Windows). It supports both Android and iOS devices. The app is currently available in IOS platform. Android app may come in the near future.

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Guetnacht is an app targeted at kids. This provides nice Swiss bedtime stories/songs. It is a very simple app and the user can simply click the play button to hear the stories from the list of stories available. The app has a very good user interface which makes it very attractive for kids. 

Users can play, pause or stop the stories. They also do have the facility to download the songs.  They can also play the app, when there is no internet connection (offline).

The app admin can update the stories in regular intervals by updating the playlist in the server. The updates will be reflected once the app is restarted.

Customer zdreicom Schweiz GmbH
Industry Gaming -Kids
Technology Application Type - Hybrid, JSON, Ionic 2, Angular 2, GIT, HTML5, CSS3, Technology Used – Ionic 2 CLI, Operating Platform – iOS