

The WegWandern.ch is a Swiss webportal designed for hiking enthusiasts who are interested in exploring the beautiful hiking spots in Switzerland. Users can access detailed information about various hiking locations in the country and utilize the map on the Tourenportal page to pinpoint the exact whereabouts of these spots. The WegWandern team provides valuable assistance and guidance to individuals looking to discover hiking destinations across Switzerland.

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The website has been developed using WordPress CMS. It is designed to be completely responsive, seamlessly adapting to various devices and screen sizes. The map section is integrated by utilizing a third-party map library called OpenLayers. Additionally, two custom modules have been developed and integrated into the website to enhance its functionality.

  • B2B Module – After successfully registering on the B2B portal, users gain access to the system where they can enhance their advertisements with external links by purchasing clicks from the website.

  • Summit Book Module – Upon registration on the Summit Book portal, users can log in to the system and explore various options. They can share their articles about hiking experiences, and upcoming hikes, and for inviting hiking partners.

WegWandern has been nominated for the Best of Swiss Web awards 2024.

Customer WegWandern
Industry Business/Tourism
Technology PHP 8.1 WordPress 6.4.3, Gutenberg, Formidable, Payrexx Payment , HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, jQuery, Open layers 7.1.0, Swisstopo map. DevOps/GIT