
Zieglertex AG, is a cotton yarn trading company from Switzerland which has been in business for the last couple of decades. PIT Solutions was hired by Zieglertex to convert a completely paper, manual system into an automated paperless based system that Zieglertex would use to run their cotton yarn trading business.

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The major goal was to develop a tiny ERP system, which helps Zieglertex to track their purchase orders, sale orders, cotton yarn inventory, warehouse and locations. As Zieglertex is doing business all over Europe, multi currency and multi-language support was required. The yarn trading is based on the weight of the yarn and system had to support the weight adjustments of yarn based on the climatic conditions.  Zieglertex wanted the flexibility to add/edit attributes of the products without any programming involvement. A desktop database application based on MS Access was developed to achieve the goals of Zieglertex. All the paper, manual based processes are automated. The inventory could be tracked easily based on the warehouse and location details.  The sales and invoice, pending payments etc. became much easier. Various reports and notifications like supplier quality data, pending offers and invoices etc. made the day-to-day operations of the company much easier.

Customer Zieglertex AG
Industry Sale
Technology Microsoft Office Access 2007